Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pickle Relish

This last week I had a birthday and one of the greatest cards and gifts  I received was from my 14 year old son Clayton. I think he is beginning to understand my humor. Below is a picture of his birthday card and gifts to me.

A love of no comparison.

It's moments like these that I can relish in the thought of how much he knows me. He really knows me. 
Seeds of love from my son.

He truly gets it. He not only knows what my hobby is but he knows what he likes to eat and what I like to can. 
The tools to sow in love...
Ah yes, the love from a child to a parent. He truly was once my little pickle, but he has certainly grown into a fine young man!

Guess, I have my work cut out for me.

Be Blessed,
~The Duchess~

1 comment:

  1. I think that is just about the cutest card a kid could write for a gardening mom- You're a lucky mom!
